See how Dr. Claudia De Fuentes from Saint Mary’s University uses Pandos app to generate collaborative teams with diverse criteria.
Can you please introduce yourself?
My name is Claudia De Fuentes, and I work in the management department at Saint Mary’s University’s Sobey School of Business. I’m currently teaching a course on the management and process of innovation. I use the Pandos Intelligence tool, for both team formation and team assessment.
Problems when Dr. Claudia De Fuentes tries to generate teams with students from different countries, cultures, or time zones.
What teaching problems were you attempting to solve with Pandos?
I was attempting to solve team formation because I have students from many different disciplines, many different parts of the world, who are very diverse in all senses and have many different skills. It is critical to me that they have the right combination of skills to work on the problem or project that has been assigned to them. So, Pandos has helped me with that.
Did Pandos help you in solving your problems? And how?
The platform helps in determining which skills that I wish to mix and match among teams. So, I just identify and select those specifications in terms of skills, gender, time zone, and the number of students I want in each team, and the software generates teams based on those criteria, etc., Pandos recommends a specific team formation feature that I can customize manually. What I did was some sort of Hybrid thing. First, I went to the team formation assistant. Then, I had to adjust some of the team members’ movements a little bit. But, it was very fast.
What do you like best about Pandos?
Things that Pandos app is liked most by students.
It’s simple to use! It’s my first time using it, and everything went swimmingly. The students like it! Based on what I’ve seen and tried on the Pandos app, I believe this is the best option for students to evaluate their teammates’ performance.
What do you dislike about Pandos?
I’m still in the early stages of exploring the app, and I’m not familiar with all of the software’s features. For the time being, everything appears to be in order, but I’ll need more time to learn more about it.
What are the ways you want Pandos to meet or exceed your expectations?
For example, we’re using our university Brightspace. So, it would be wonderful if Pandos is embedded in Brightspace. I think that would be a very good use. I was at a conference at a seminar with other faculty professors talking about Pandos, and many of them expressed interest. So, I think there’s a good potential for Pandos to be maybe at an institutional level or maybe embedded on Brightspace, or the tools that different universities use.
What recommendations do you have for others who consider using Pandos?
Contact the team! Contact Lam (CEO of Pandos Intelligence Inc.). Lam has been a wonderful help, He responds and answers every question! I believe he sometimes answers my questions before I even ask them. The technical support team has been amazing. So I don’t have any bad comments there. I would be really happy to continue using Pandos.
How likely are you to recommend Pandos to a colleague or friend?
As I said I was in a seminar, I mentioned Pandos and recommended it widely. Some of the professors at the seminar asked about the software, and I gave them the information. It’s highly recommended!
How would you rate Pandos out of 5?
Well, 4.5 because I think it’s hard that anything has a 5 out of 5!
Dr. Claudia De Fuentes from Saint Mary’s University shares her points of Pandos app.